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/* Note Handling code --------------------------------------------------- */ var gGlobalPerFormancingNotes = null; function performancingNotes() { this.notesFile = "performancing-notes.xml"; } performancingNotes.prototype.init = function(){ this.loadNotes(false, null); window.setTimeout('gPerformancingNotes.onSavedLoad()', 500, true); } performancingNotes.prototype.doNoteOnUnload = function(){ //alert("Unload"); var doTheUnload = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getBoolPref("settings.saveonexit"); if(doTheUnload){ try{ var file = this.getXMLFile(); var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8"); var theNotesXML = new XML(theXMLString); var tabbox = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-tabbox"); var theContent = null; var theTitle = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-subject").value; if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 0 || tabbox.selectedIndex == 2){//Rich or preview var winNormal = document.getElementById("performancing-message"); theContent = winNormal.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML; }else if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 1){ //Source theContent = document.getElementById("performancing-message-source").value }else{ //alert('PerFormancing Error: Could not find Note content, please contact the author'); } theNotesXML.lastsaved.note = <note> <title>{theTitle}</title> <content>{theContent}</content> </note>; //Save the note var newWrite = PerFormancingFileIO.write(file, theNotesXML.toString(), "w", "UTF-8"); if(!newWrite) { //Can not write to file error #1, you may not have the correct permissions var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('cannotwritetofile', []); alert(localeString); } }catch(e){ //Foo } } } performancingNotes.prototype.onSavedLoad = function(){ var file = this.getXMLFile(); var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8"); var theNotesXML = new XML(theXMLString); var theEntry = theNotesXML.lastsaved.note; //First Focus the Source var tabbox = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-tabbox"); //tabbox.selectedIndex = 1; //convert back to html var theContent = theEntry.content.toString(); theContent = theContent.replace(/</gi, "<"); theContent = theContent.replace(/>/gi, ">"); //Then Load the contents //var tabbox = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-tabbox"); if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 0 || tabbox.selectedIndex == 2){//Rich or preview var winNormal = document.getElementById("performancing-message"); winNormal.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = theContent; }else if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 1){ //Source document.getElementById("performancing-message-source").value = theContent; }else{ var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('notenotfound', []); alert(localeString); } var winPreview = document.getElementById("performancing-preview-display"); //winPreview.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = theContent; document.getElementById("performancing-message-source").value = theContent; performancingMidas.syncNormalTab(); //Then Load the Title var theNoteName = theEntry.title.toString(); document.getElementById("performancing-editor-subject").value = theEntry.title.toString(); performancingUI.onLoadInsert(); } performancingNotes.prototype.loadNotes = function(isSearch, searchArray){ try{ var file = this.getXMLFile(); var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8"); var theNotesXML = new XML(theXMLString); var allTheNotes = theNotesXML.notes; gGlobalPerFormancingNotes = allTheNotes; //allTheNotes.note.length() //Show only search results! //alert("isSearch: " + isSearch + " searchArray: " +searchArray); if(isSearch){ allTheNotes = new XML(<notes></notes>); for( l = 0; l < searchArray.length; l++){ allTheNotes.note += theNotesXML.notes.note[ searchArray[l] ] ; } } //alert("allTheNotes: " + allTheNotes.toString() ); //gGlobalPerFormancingNotes = allTheNotes; var noteName = null; var noteContent = null; var noteDate = null; var noteGUID = null; var onNoteClick = "gPerformancingNotes.addNoteToEditor(this);"; var theClass = "performancenote"; var isFirstRun = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getBoolPref("firstrun"); var numOfNotes = allTheNotes.children().length(); //Load the notes into the note list if(numOfNotes > 0){ gPerformancingUtil.clearListOut('performancing-notes-list'); for(var j = 0; j < allTheNotes.children().length(); j++){ noteName = allTheNotes.note[j].title.toString(); //Remove any extra spaces (atleast 2 or more consecutive spaces) noteName = noteName.replace(/\s\s+/gi, " "); if(noteName == "" || noteName == " "){ noteName = "Untitled"; } noteContent = allTheNotes.note[j].content.toString(); noteDate = allTheNotes.note[j].datemodified.toString(); noteGUID = allTheNotes.note[j].GUID.toString(); this.addItemToList('performancing-notes-list', noteName, noteContent, noteDate, noteGUID, onNoteClick, j, theClass ) } }else if(numOfNotes == 0 && isFirstRun){ //Foo. gPerformancingUtil.clearListOut('performancing-notes-list'); this.addItemToList('performancing-notes-list', 'No notes available.', "", "", "", "", 0, "" ) }else if(!isSearch || !isFirstRun){ var formatedExample = "This is an <span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\">example </span>of a <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">formatted <span style=\"color: blue;\">note</span></span> note"; this.generateXML("Example Note 1", formatedExample, null, null, onNoteClick); this.generateXML("Example Note 2", "This is an example of a normal text note", null, null, onNoteClick); isFirstRun = true; gPerformancingUtil.prefs.setBoolPref("firstrun", true); this.loadNotes(false, null); } }catch(e){ alert("Error Loading notes: " + e); } //dnote.notes.children().length() } //theNoteName, theNoteContent, aNoteDate, theGUID performancingNotes.prototype.addItemToList = function(listIDname, theNoteName, theNoteContent, aNoteDate, theGUID, onItemClick, aNumber, theClass){ var list = document.getElementById(listIDname); var item = document.createElement('listitem'); item.setAttribute('id', 'note-' + aNumber); item.setAttribute('noteGUID', theGUID); item.setAttribute('tooltiptext', theNoteName); item.setAttribute('date', aNoteDate); item.setAttribute('onclick', onItemClick); item.setAttribute('class', theClass); var itemCell = document.createElement('listcell'); itemCell.setAttribute('label', theNoteName); itemCell.setAttribute('crop', 'right'); itemCell.setAttribute('class', theClass + '2'); item.appendChild(itemCell); //Append the elements list.appendChild(item); //sizeToContent(); } performancingNotes.prototype.doSave = function(theElement){ //Check if note doesn't already exists (same GUID) var theNoteGUID = theElement.getAttribute("lastpostid"); var theTitle = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-subject").value; var file = this.getXMLFile(); var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8"); var theNotesXML = new XML(theXMLString); var theEntry = theNotesXML.notes.note.(title.toString() == theTitle); if( theEntry.length() > 0 ){ //We have a match, prompt user and make sure he wants to save it. //Call some function here this.promptSaveType(theTitle, theElement); }else{ //Note doesn't exists, so go save it as a new one. gPerformancingNotes.reSaveNote(theElement, true); } } //Not used anymore! (?) performancingNotes.prototype.promptSaveType = function(aTitle, theElement){ //If not, then create the new GUID var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('notealreadyexists', [aTitle]); var localeString2 = performancingUI.getLocaleString('overwritenote', []); if( confirm(localeString + "\n" + localeString2) ){ gPerformancingNotes.reSaveNote(theElement, false, aTitle); } } performancingNotes.prototype.reSaveNote = function(theElement, creatNewNote, aTitle){ //Check if note doesn't already exists (same GUID) var theNoteGUID = theElement.getAttribute("lastpostid"); var file = this.getXMLFile(); var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8"); var theNotesXML = new XML(theXMLString); var theEntry = null; try{ theEntry = theNotesXML.notes.note.(title.toString() == aTitle ); }catch(e){ //foo } var tabbox = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-tabbox"); var theContent = null; var theTitle = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-subject").value; if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 0 || tabbox.selectedIndex == 2){//Rich or preview var winNormal = document.getElementById("performancing-message"); theContent = winNormal.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML; }else if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 1){ //Source theContent = document.getElementById("performancing-message-source").value }else{ var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('notenotfound', []); alert(localeString); } var theNoteDate = bfXMLRPC.iso8601Format( new Date() ); if( theEntry.length() > 0 && !creatNewNote){ //Save new content and var theIndex = theEntry.childIndex(); theNotesXML.notes.note[theIndex].title = theTitle; theNotesXML.notes.note[theIndex].content = theContent; theNotesXML.notes.note[theIndex].datemodified = theNoteDate; //Save the note var newWrite = PerFormancingFileIO.write(file, theNotesXML.toString(), "w", "UTF-8"); if(!newWrite) { var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('cannotwritetofile', []); alert(localeString); } }else{ //If not, then create the new GUID var theGUID = this.newGuid(); //Not will be saved by this function result = this.generateXML( theTitle, theContent, theNoteDate, theGUID ); } //Remove re-save button var noteButton = document.getElementById("performancing-resavenote-button"); noteButton.hidden = true; //Now reload notes gPerformancingNotes.loadNotes(false, null); } performancingNotes.prototype.generateXML = function(theNoteName, theNoteContent, aNoteDate, theGUID){ //We need to get this from a file and theBlogXML = new XML(theFilesStringContents); var file = this.getXMLFile(); var theXMLFile = null; var theBlogXML = null; var theNoteDate = null; if(!aNoteDate){ theNoteDate = bfXMLRPC.iso8601Format( new Date() ); } if(!theGUID){ theGUID = this.newGuid(); } //Doesn't exist, so let's create it. if(!file.exists()){ //dump('Creating file: ' + bloglistxmlfile + "\n"); theBlogXML = <notelist> <lastsaved> <note></note> </lastsaved> <notes> </notes> </notelist>; PerFormancingFileIO.create(file); var rv = PerFormancingFileIO.write(file, theBlogXML.toString(), "w", "UTF-8"); if(!rv) { var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('cannotwritetofile', []); alert(localeString); } } if(file.exists()){ var theXMLFile = PerFormancingFileIO.open(file.path); var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(theXMLFile, "UTF-8"); theBlogXML = new XML(theXMLString); //The Content for each Blog theBlogXML.notes.note += <note> <title>{theNoteName}</title> <content>{theNoteContent}</content> <datemodified>{theNoteDate}</datemodified> <GUID>{theGUID}</GUID> </note>; //Write to file (save changes) var newWrite = PerFormancingFileIO.write(file, theBlogXML.toString(), "w", "UTF-8"); if(!newWrite) { var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('cannotwritetofile', []); alert(localeString); } return theBlogXML; }else{ return false; } } performancingNotes.prototype.addNoteToEditor = function(theElement){ /* Todo: - Load Content - Load Subject - Load Categories - Display 'Save as New' and 'Save' */ var theNoteGUID = theElement.getAttribute("noteGUID"); var file = this.getXMLFile(); var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8"); var theNotesXML = new XML(theXMLString); try{ //dump("The Read NOTES XML: " + theNotesXML.notes.note + '\n' + "aPostId to get:" + theNoteGUID + '\n') var theEntry = theNotesXML.notes.note.(GUID == theNoteGUID ); //Now load everything //First Focus the Source var tabbox = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-tabbox"); //tabbox.selectedIndex = 1; //convert back to html var theContent = theEntry.content.toString(); theContent = theContent.replace(/</gi, "<"); theContent = theContent.replace(/>/gi, ">"); //Then Load the contents //var tabbox = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-tabbox"); if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 0 || tabbox.selectedIndex == 2){//Rich or preview var winNormal = document.getElementById("performancing-message"); winNormal.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = theContent; }else if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 1){ //Source document.getElementById("performancing-message-source").value = theContent; }else{ var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('notenotfound', []); alert(localeString); } var winPreview = document.getElementById("performancing-preview-display"); //winPreview.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = theContent; document.getElementById("performancing-message-source").value = theContent; performancingMidas.syncNormalTab(); //Then Load the Title var theNoteName = theEntry.title.toString(); document.getElementById("performancing-editor-subject").value = theEntry.title.toString(); //Show Republish button and set attributes var pubButton = document.getElementById("performancing-resavenote-button"); pubButton.setAttribute("lastpostid", theNoteGUID); pubButton.hidden = false; return true; }catch(e){ var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('noteerror', [e]); alert(localeString); return true; } } performancingNotes.prototype.deleteNoteEntry = function(){ try{ var resaveButton = document.getElementById("performancing-resavenote-button"); var theNoteGUID = resaveButton.getAttribute("lastpostid"); var file = this.getXMLFile(); var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8"); var theNotesXML = new XML(theXMLString); //delete dude..blog.(GUID == theGUID); var entryIndex = theNotesXML.notes.note.(GUID == theNoteGUID ).childIndex(); delete theNotesXML.notes.note[entryIndex]; //Now save the change var rv = PerFormancingFileIO.write(file, theNotesXML.toString(), "w", "UTF-8"); if(!rv) { var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('cannotwritetofile', [e]); alert(localeString); } }catch(e){ var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('cantdeletenote', []); //Could not delete the selected note! alert(localeString); } //Now reload notes performancingMidas.makeBlank(); performancingUI.toggleExtraOptDeck(true); performancingUI.clearTechnoratiTags(); gPerformancingNotes.loadNotes(false, null); } performancingNotes.prototype.getXMLFile = function(){ var file = PerFormancingDirIO.get("ProfD"); file.append("extensions"); file.append(this.notesFile); return file; } //Return array of index's of notes or false if not found performancingNotes.prototype.searchNotes = function(theTextString){ //First search in title theTextString = theTextString.toLowerCase(); var file = this.getXMLFile(); var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8"); var theNotesXML = new XML(theXMLString); var allTheNotes = theNotesXML.notes; var theNoteTitles = allTheNotes.note.title; var theNoteContent = allTheNotes.note.content; var noteLength = theNoteTitles.length(); var searchResults = []; for(i=0; i < noteLength; i++){ var theTitle = ""; var theContent = ""; try{ theTitle = theNoteTitles[i].text().toLowerCase(); }catch(e){} try{ theContent = theNoteContent[i].text().toLowerCase(); }catch(e){} if( theTitle.search(theTextString) >= 0 ){ searchResults.push( i ) ; }else if( theContent.search(theTextString) >= 0 ){ searchResults.push( i ) ; } } if(searchResults.length > 0 ){ return searchResults; }else{ //didn't find anything! return false; } //didn't find anything! return false; //then search in content if that failed } //for search performancingNotes.prototype.onNoteSearchChange = function(){ var theTextString = document.getElementById("performancing-search-notes-text").value; var notesToShow = gPerformancingNotes.searchNotes( theTextString ); if(!notesToShow){ gPerformancingUtil.clearListOut('performancing-notes-list'); this.addItemToList('performancing-notes-list', 'No results found', '', '', '', '', 0, 'onsearcherror' ) }else{ gPerformancingNotes.loadNotes(true, notesToShow ); } } /* // Original function by Lewis E. Moten III // Terms of Agreement: // By using this code, you agree to the following terms... // 1) You may use this code in your own programs (and may compile it into a program and distribute it in compiled format for languages that allow it) freely and with no charge. // 2) You MAY NOT redistribute this code (for example to a web site) without written permission from the original author. Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws. // 3) You may link to this code from another website, but ONLY if it is not wrapped in a frame. // 4) You will abide by any additional copyright restrictions which the author may have placed in the code or code's description. */ performancingNotes.prototype.newGuid = function(){ var g = ""; for(var i = 0; i < 32; i++){ g += Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xF).toString(0xF) + (i == 8 || i == 12 || i == 16 || i == 20 ? "-" : ""); } return g; } //////////////////// var gPerformancingNotes = null; function loadPerFormancingNotes() { try { gPerformancingNotes = new performancingNotes(); } catch(e) { alert(e); } gPerformancingNotes.init();//Load (D&D) Prefs }